Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Got Orders? - (Germany) Day 434

This morning PT was at Campbell gym in civilian clothes. The normal folks went for a run off post, while those of us on profile worked out in the gym. I rode the stationary bike and chatted with SPC Mac the entire time. We are both on what we call the "WTU Train" (Warrior Transition Unit) going through the medboard process.

When I came to work I went through all my emails and filled out some required medboard paperwork that the transition office requested. I chatted with the chaplain and did some more admin work for him. Before I left for a hearing appointment, I took the transition paperwork to our S1 shop and dropped it off for them to sign. My MedPro status had changed earlier from green to red because I needed a hearing test done. I need to have everything green in order to put in for a pass or leave, so I wanted to get this taken care of as soon as possible. The last time I went, I couldn't find anyone there. This time the door was unlocked to the audiology office, but when I stepped in it looked like a ghost town. There was nothing in the room except some sparse furniture and phone wires with no phones attached. At this point I started to get a little worried that I may have to head to Landstuhl in order to get this hearing test done. I went to the information desk and inquired about it. The guy made a call, then escorted me to an unmarked door where a man greeted me and started the process. Strange that they would not put a sign up or something, but no worries…I'm there and ready to get this done with.

The hearing test was a standard test…put on some headphones and listen to beeps, clicking a button each time one is heard. My hearing has degraded since my last test in basic which is no surprise. I'm older and have heard a lot of loud noises while in the army. I got my slip stating that I had my test done, then headed home for lunch.

Once back at work I went by S1 and picked up my paperwork. I then headed over to the reassignment office to turn all the paperwork in. To my surprise they already had my orders ready. The guy gave me multiple copies and wished me luck. It seems that much more official now that I finally have orders to Ft. Lewis! I then went back to my office and started making an electronic checklist of everything that I need to do both at work, for my PCS, and the passes and leave I want to take. There is a lot of stuff and I want to stay organized and on top of it all.

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