Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Motorcycle Test - (Germany) Day 204

Have you ever had that feeling after the weekend when you just don't want to go to work the next day? I have that feeling every day…but it was especially difficult to get motivated and get out of bed today after a four day weekend. This morning's PT was muscle failure. The profile's went our separate way into the gym and did a workout that we were able to do customized to each of our profiles. I really like doing this instead because I feel like I'm still getting a good workout each day. I did a lot of abdomen and upper body work.

This morning I headed to the driver's licensing office to attend the motorcycle safety training class and then take the written test. I passed the test, so my next step is to bring in my certificate the day before my two day required hands-on class…which unfortunately isn't until August. I will then be issued a temporary license that will last 8 days so I can actually take the hands-on class. Once I pass that class I take the certificate back to the licensing office and I will be issued my permanent license. Then I have to start the process of getting my motorcycle inspected and licensed. I feel like it's going to take an entire year before I'm able to actually ride my bike. I finished a little after 1100, so I headed home to have lunch with the kiddos.

Back at work I forwarded all the required command sponsorship paperwork for my daughter to my NCOIC. She then in turn forwarded it to our company…now it's a waiting process to see if they want anything else before granting it. I then headed over to our S2 office and had my fingerprints taken and the official initiation of my clearance. That took about 45 minutes or so, I spent the rest of the day surfing the internet.

One of the reasons I really hate my job and life in the army in general is all the stupid crap that you have to put up with. This morning for instance it was put out that everyone in the barracks has to have their rooms inspected 3 times a week. WTF? I would be so pissed off, that I don't know if I could control it. I'm just glad I'm not one of those poor guys that has to put up with that crap.

Then there is SPC Mac on our maintenance side. The guy is planning on getting out of the army in May. He was just told that he will probably be moved to another post here in Germany. Doing this will really screw his life up. It took 8 months for him to get his kid in day care, his wife has a good job and said she will not move with him, and if she did they probably wouldn't be able to pay all their bills. Out of the blue he's told this and he was stressing out today. He's going to see the chaplain to see if anything can be done, he also is wearing a protective boot because of his broken ankle. He won't be able to move until that is all healed up. It just doesn't make any sense…why move a guy when he is going to be out so soon?

I don't know how I'm going to deal with all the crap, and I don't know if I'll ever want to work for the government again. I know being a civilian worker has to be much better than a soldier, but there is still a lot of stupid crap to deal with.

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