Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Check That Box - (Germany) Day 406

This morning for PT we formed up on PHV and those not on profile went on a run around the post, while those of us on profile headed to the gym. PT here on the same post where we live saves a lot of time, and I can't say that I don't mind heading into the gym to workout and listen to my headphones. I rode the stationary bike for my cardio today and I was able to get home in time to get ready at a normal pace instead of rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I arrived at my office and saw the computer was still not there, I was hoping the tech would have returned it ready to go by now. I gave him a call and he said he was still working on it…makes it tough to get much done. As usual I brought my textbook so I could read and do schoolwork. When the chaplain came in later on, I made some phone calls and ran some errands for him. I then left early before lunch and headed to the hospital, I was told yesterday by our CAM that I was due for another immunization shot and I had to get it done asap. When I arrived and told the immunization clinic at the hospital, they looked up my record and said I'm fine. I had them print off proof so I could take it back to the ComSec office and show them. It seems our company's records are a little out of whack. I headed home for lunch after leaving the hospital.

On my way back to my office, SGT Mex called and said our CAM wants me to come back to the ComSec office today and do more of the mandatory online training. So I spent the last half of the day doing just that and I was able to finish quite a few. It seems that they are rushing me now to get them all completed. Everyone else has had weeks to do them all, and I haven't even had a computer to do them on while at work. At 1700 I left and headed back to my office to lock up, and finally to my surprise my computer was there. It seems the tech finally got around to getting it working now. At least now I can do the mandatory training in the comfort of my office, and catch up on the over 190 emails I saw that are now in my inbox. The chaplain has a ton of stuff for me to work on as well, so I think I'll be a pretty busy guy at least for a while.

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