Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Sex Trade - (Korea) Day 338

Received my photo today with Leon E. Panetta, the current Secretary of Defense.
I wasn't quite ready for the picture and ended up with a goofy smile on my face.

Work call this morning was at 0830. We setup for the normal Wednesday morning meeting in the secret conference room. I let PV2 Charlie run the whole thing from start to finish and just stood by in case something went wrong. The meeting ran as planned and we cleaned up afterwards. We then headed up to our conference room and set it up for a KUB.

We took our lunch break and I headed to my room to eat and of course video chat with my wife. When I got back to the office I headed straight to our conference room for the upcoming KUB that we setup for. I flipped slides for it and then we cleaned up when it was finished.

I then had a special mission from Special K, I had to go around to the command group and collect coins for our army major that will be leaving soon. They are going to put them in a plaque for him. In fact we are going to have a hail and farewell on the 14th where they will be saying goodbye to him, our old KATUSA, and me! Woohoo!

We all received an email stating that we had to do some human trafficking & sex trade training. I quickly went through the material just hitting next until it was finished and then took the test. It's all pretty much common sense passing the test. The hardest part was finding the actual training and then finding out where to obtain & print our certificate.

We cleaned up the conference control room and the office, then took off for the day a little after 1600. I quickly went to my room and changed for the gym so I could get there before rush hour. I just wanted to make sure I got a stationary bicycle so I could get my cardio in. I'm aching pretty bad from my intense workout yesterday. I need to invest in some icy-hot!

Back in my room I ate dinner and watched The Vampire Diaries as well as Falling Skies. I then did my schoolwork before cleaning my room. I changed days that I cleaned my room from the weekend to Wednesday nights because we now have weekly room inspections on Thursday mornings at 0500. (Have I mentioned I hate living in the barracks?) So I get to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and listen to an NCO tell me what is wrong with my room after he walks around snooping until he finds something. I try not to clean too well so he can find something fairly fast and easy, tell me to clean it up and leave. No need to prolong the event.

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