Monday, March 1, 2010

The Hurt Locker (Pre-Basic Training) 36 Days until Basic

So I’ve been watching a lot of army and war TV shows & movies lately. Part of getting myself mentally prepared… lol. For Valentines I took my wife to see a chick flick called “Dear John” and this last weekend we watched “The Hurt Locker”. I thought the movie was OK. It definitely makes me glad that I did not choose EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal - The army's version of the bomb squad) as my MOS in the army. A guy I went to high school with (and actually the guy who got me thinking about joining this late life) just finished basic and is now going to his AIT school in EOD. He may be a little crazy I think. I know the movie had to “hollywoodize” the job a bit, but I think that has to be one of the more stressful jobs to have at the moment. There are so many IEDs out there.
I now have just over a month before I leave. I’m trying to soak in and enjoy all the moments that I have left with friends and family. I visited my wife’s family as well as my own last weekend. I spent a lot of time just hanging out with my mom, aunt, and my grandma. I’m going to try to plan at least one more trip over to see my family before I have to take off. It's strange knowing that I will not be able to see them for such a long period of time. Right now I have the option to go visit family anytime I feel like, it's something that can easily be taken for granted. I already try to do my best to live each day to it’s fullest and I don’t take anything or anyone for granted. I’ve tried to live this way ever since I lost my little brother in an auto accident. You never know when a person is going to leave you forever. 


I'm confused! If you didn't choose EOD for your MOS then what did you choose?!   D:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 - 11:53 PM


I chose 25B (Information Technology Specialist) to stay with my current field and experience I've already had in the civilian world.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - 06:34 AM

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