Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ironing 101 - (Korea) Day 275

SPC Mick and I standing in front of our NCOIC so she could check out the tops
of our dress uniforms. It kind of looked funny still wearing our ACU bottoms.

This morning I headed to the dentist office instead of work. My dental status turned amber a month or so ago on AKO, but I wanted to wait until the exercise was over before heading in. Check-up exams are all walk-in, no appointment necessary. We had no meetings today, so I thought it would be a good day. I checked in and only waited a minute before being checked out. It was the quickest exam in the history of dental exams. It basically went like this:

Dentist: "Do you smoke?"

Me: "No"

Dentist: "Do you chew?"

Me: "No"

The dentist then took his little metal poke stick and touched some of my gums and teeth, then said I was done. Since I haven't had a cleaning in the last year he told me to schedule one, so that was it. I ended up having to go to my office and grab my dental records, then bring them back to the dental office. I forgot to get them before coming in. They were given to me when I out-processed from Ft. Gordon and have been in my office since I arrived here.

Just the walk back and forth from the dental office to my office had me actually dripping with sweat. It's so hot and humid here that no matter what you do, you just start sweating. I'll be trying to stay inside today as much as possible. That's pretty much all I did until lunch time, I sat in my office and did SkillPorts until lunch time.

I ate lunch in my room and video chatted with my wife, then headed back to the office. Once there I covered the phones in our office, everyone had to leave to do something which left me just hanging out waiting for people to get back and answering the phones if needed. I updated the events calendar…not too many upcoming meetings so far, but that seems to change on a daily basis.

Once everyone got back, SPC Mick and I drove the weapons rack out to K-16. Thankfully they were not having a training holiday today, I didn't really feel like driving out in the Korean traffic for a third day in a row. When we got back we waited for our NCOIC to come up and give us some good army training…she taught us how to iron our dress uniform. Neither SPC Mick or I had ever ironed anything before. What I learned is that it's much better to pay the couple bucks and have your uniform taken to the cleaners and pressed. It's a pain in the butt to iron it all just right…and it's time consuming. We left around 1800. The past two days our NCOIC said we would be getting off at 1600 so we could go to the gym and do PT…LOL.

I quickly headed to my room and tried to eat dinner. I wanted to watch The Hangover 2 which was playing at the theatre tonight. 30 seconds into microwaving my burrito the power on our wall went out. WTF?? I took my burrito upstairs to the common area and used it's microwave, then called the maintenance folks to let them know I was out of power. It was somewhat important because it also powered my refrigerator. I ended up having to wait for them to come take a look. They came…looked…said they would put in a work order for it and get back with me. I'm not sure if they did something or what, but 5 minutes later the power was back on. Did it flip a breaker? I'm not sure, but I'm glad it's working now. I had visions of all my food going bad.

Needless to say, I missed my movie and wasn't too happy. I ended up watching my TV shows instead and doing a little homework.

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